Bobby Chang

“ I moved to Philadelphia in 1995, where I have been for 28 vears. I founded the Hoyu Association in 2001, and in 2006 I became the president and organized the annual Hoy Annual Cultural Festival, where every March we have activities like the parades of the deities. The significance of Chinatown is key. There's not anything in Chinatown that I don't like.


Photograph by Rodney Atienza

Read Bobby’s Full Interview Below!

Conducted By: Kacheung(Vincent) Hu & Minghui Wu

Bobby: 我叫Bobby Chang,我们从一九八二年就来华盛顿D.C,待了三四年左右然后一九九五年就搬到费城了。现在在费城大概有二十八年这么久了。我大概在2001年成立了猴屿同乡会大概2006年我就当了猴屿会长。我当会长那个时候就组织了一个猴屿文化节活动 猴屿文化节活动每一年都在三月份猴屿文化节包括有游神,我们现在已经做了十几年了。每一年我们都想越做越大。今年大概就有一千多人参加。像刚刚开始的时候,大概只有两三百个人。现在影响力更大了。因为现在我们宣传中国的文化,很多人都吸引过来。


My name is Bobby Chang. In 1982, I immigrated to Washington, DC, stayed for about 3 to 4 years, and then in 1995, I moved to Philadelphia. I’ve been in Philadelphia for 28 years. Once I arrived, after a few years, in 2001, I founded the Houyu Association. In 2006 I became the president. Once I became the president, I started to organize the Houyu Annual Cultural Festival where every March we have activities like the parades of the deities. This event has now been around for over a decade. Each year we want to make the festival bigger. This year, we had over 1000 people participate. When it first started, there were only 200-300 people. Now this festival is more influential. Because we highlight Chinese culture, a lot of people are inspired. 

So recently, I heard that the 76ers want to take over our Chinatown and build their arena. There are roughly a lot of Chinese people in the region, and it’s only going to increase. If the arena is built right next to Chinatown, this will have a negative impact on the Chinese folks who come and celebrate, eat, and play. This is an old stomping ground for Chinese folks. If 76DevCorp tries to destroy Chinatown, the Chinese community will be 100% against it. If they try to build the arena here, our lives will be disrupted. We must stand together and fight it.

Vincent: 唐人街对您意味着什么?

What does Chinatown mean to you?

Bobby: 唐人街意味着什么很关键的,我们华人在唐人街做事比较方便。很多新移民不懂的讲英文,因为华人在唐人街做什么手续啊都很方便。这个很关键的,所以说我们华人一定站紧了,不要分裂,一定要统一反对。七十六人为什么在我们中国街这里建造啊,连停车场都没有啊,你如果一被它占领了话我们中国人都被他赶走了。你车也不方便进出,我们住在中国街,我们进来也进不来的。如果球队有活动了话,你如果想回家了话三四个钟头都回不去了。这个很关键的。而且房地产很多都贵了。

The significance of Chinatown is key. Chinatown is more accessible for Chinese people to run errands. A lot of new immigrants don’t speak English, so Chinatown provides a convenient place for them to take care of daily business. This is very important. Therefore, the Chinese community must stand together, and not split on this issue. We must oppose the arena. Why do the 76ers want to build on such sacred grounds? There’s not even enough parking. Once they take over, the Chinese community will be pushed out by them. Traffic is already an issue for the residents here. If an arena were to be built, it would take 3-4 hours for us to just try to get home. This is very critical. And a lot of real estate will get more expensive.

Minghui: 像地税啊。

Like property taxes.

Bobby: 地税啊什么都贵了。这样子华人都住不起了,都全部都搬走了。跟华盛顿中国街一样的。以前我九五年在华盛顿我亲历见过。我最近去华盛顿没有一个华人了,都跑走了。以前我有很多朋友在里面的。你这个很关键的,我们华人应该要同声反对的。

Property taxes and other costs will be more expensive. This will make it unaffordable for the Chinese community, which will make them move away. Our Chinatown will go the way of Chinatown in Washington DC. I witnessed this myself when I was in DC in 1995. When I went to Washington recently, there was not a single Chinese person there; they all left. I used to have many friends there. It’s very important [to protect Chinatown], so the Chinese community must come together to voice our opposition to the arena.

Vincent: 然后是什么让你留在唐人街呢?

What keeps you in Chinatown?

Bobby: 唐人街比如说吃很方便啊,买东西超市这两家很好啊。比如说你事务所办移民都很方便的。你如果去找老外有些人如果刚刚移民过来什么都不懂的。语言方面都有障碍的。我几十年了我儿子女儿长大了我没有关系了。但现在刚刚移民的人很需要的。

Getting something to eat is very convenient, for example, and the two supermarkets are very good for shopping. Getting legal help for immigration is accessible. If you go to an American lawyer, a recent immigrant would not be able to comprehend because of the language barrier. I’ve been here for decades and all my children are grown up, so it doesn't matter as much for me, but it’s needed for someone that just immigrated here.

Vincent: 那你在唐人街有没有一个经常去的地方?

Do you have a place in Chinatown that you visit often?

Bobby: 有啊,经常去吃饭的地方,有好几家都挺好吃的啊。我猴屿联谊会在这里啊。每年的游神啊。今年多热闹啊。

Yes, I eat out in Chinatown quite often. There are quite a few restaurants that are very good. My Houyu Association is here. This year’s parade of the deities was so festive.

Minghui: 今年我也去了。

I went this year, too.

Bobby: 是啊,今年很热闹的。今年我们酒席办了差不多八十桌。很多人没有时间去吃啊,如果都去了话最少一百多桌。你看规模越来越大了。你看华人集中都挺高兴的,因为我们宣传中国的文化,有唱歌啊有跳舞啊,人家看到比较开心一点。

Yeah, this year was very lively. We had about 80 tables for our banquet. There were a lot of people that didn’t have the time to attend the banquet, but if they did, there would have been over 100 tables. See, it’s becoming bigger and bigger every year. It makes me happy to see all the Chinese people gathered together, because we’re promoting our culture. There’s singing, dancing; when people see it, it cheers them up.

Vincent: 唐人街在过去 10 年发生了怎样的变化? 20年?

What are some of the changes that have happened to Chinatown in the last 10, 20 years?

Bobby: 二十年变化很厉害。我刚刚九五年来的时候,华人商铺没有那么多,只有十街这几家。现在从九街到十一街全部都是华人的商店了。以前只有十街这几家店。九五年那时候,华人也没那么多,新移民也很少。那个时候只知道几个人,现在我们越来越多,很多人都不认识,都是新的,新的移民很多很多。以前只有大概几千个华人,现在五万多,你看多厉害。如果郊区来了话估计十万多人了那么多。

A lot has changed in 20 years. When I first came here in 1995, there weren't that many Chinese-owned businesses; there were only a few on 10th Street. Now, all the shops from 9th Street to 11th Street are Chinese-owned businesses. Back in 1995, there were only a few on 10th Street because there weren’t that many Chinese, and few new immigrants. At that time, I only knew a few people, but now there are more and more of us, many of whom I don’t know. They are all new, lots and lots of new immigrants. There used to only be a few thousand Chinese residents; now there’s over 50,000. Look at how strong we are. If you include the suburbs then there’s over 100,000.

Vincent: 那你有没有一些你喜欢的商场或者经常去的地方关闭了?

Are there any businesses or places you used to go to a lot that have closed?

Bobby: 醉仙楼,以前很多人都很喜欢醉仙楼。菜又便宜又好。现在物价也上涨了,跟以前没得比.

Joy Tsin Lau, a lot of people used to like going there. The food was cheap and good. Prices have all gone up now; you can’t compare to the past anymore.

Vincent: 那你希望唐人街有什么变化吗?

What are some changes you would like to see in Chinatown?

Bobby: 我希望唐人街最好七十六人都不要来这里打扰我们。我们现在唐人街小店铺很多,冰淇淋店啊都很好。各种各样的东西很吸引我们的。对我们华人都比较适合的。比如说蛋糕店也很多,各种各样的蛋糕店也很好。奶茶店啊,都很多。华人越多,各行各业都会生意好起来。

I hope that the 76ers won’t come here to disturb us. We currently have a lot of small businesses in Chinatown, a lot of stores with ice cream treats. All kinds of things attracted us here. Chinatown is more accessible for Chinese people [than other places]. For example, there are many bakeries; it’s nice to have so many varieties. Bubble tea stores, so many. The more Chinese people there are here, the more vitality there will be for everyone.

Vincent: 那在唐人街最喜欢和不喜欢的地方是什么?

What are your most and least favorite places in Chinatown?

Bobby: 喜欢的地方有很多,不喜欢的也没有,现在中国街没有什么不喜欢的。现在都蛮好的。这样子稳定下来慢慢会发展到十二街。现在十一街的项目都满了。

There are many places I like and none I don’t like. There’s nothing in Chinatown that I don’t like. It’s all good now. As things stabilize, it will gradually develop onto 12th Street. Eleventh Street is all full now.

Vincent: 那你觉得唐人街安全吗?

Do you feel that Chinatown is safe?

Bobby: 唐人街最近治安比较有一点问题。因为以前那个警察局就在这里。警察搬走之后,晚上街上不安全。我本人车前一个月被人家砸了。唐人街以前从来没这样子的。前后八部车被砸了一整条过来。灯都还是亮的还是被砸了。警察局搬走是有影响的。

Recently, Chinatown has been having a bit more safety issues. There used to be a police station in the neighborhood. After the police station moved, the streets haven’t been safe at night. The front of my car was smashed a month ago. Chinatown used to never be like this. Eight cars in front and behind mine were all smashed. Even with the bright street lights on, they were still vandalized. The relocation of the police station affected the safety of the neighborhood.

Minghui/Vincent: 谢谢。

Thank you.