Mid-Autumn Festival Program

12点 – 2点 | 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

司仪 Emcees: Sophie Song, 林娜 Na Lin, 林浩新 Vincent Lam

费城太阳 Philadelphia Suns - 南北醒獅 Lion Dance

联欢会开幕致辞 Festival opening speech - 張良琪,亚裔联合会执行董事 Vivian Chang, AAU Executive Director, 龍儀鳳,亚裔联合会运营经理 Yvonne Lung, AAU Operations Manager, 亚裔联合会青少年项目与社交媒体运营 Cinthya Hioe, AAU Communications and Youth Programs Manager

張樹培洪家功夫學院 Cheung Shu Pui’s Hung Gar Kung Fu Academy - 五项洪家功夫表演 Demonstrations of five Hung Gar kung fu forms.

菲律宾民间弦乐艺术协会 Philippine Folk Arts Society Rondalla (PFASI) - 表演者 Performers:艾达·里维拉 Aida Rivera, 薇薇安· 穆雷 Vivian Murray, 埃尔布伦·蒙图亚 Elbren Montuya, 罗曼·文图拉 Roman Ventura, 玛丽亚·蒙里尔 Maria Monreal, 兰迪·杜克 Randy Duque, 雷纳尔多·奥尔特加 Reynaldo Ortega, 罗杰·希拉里奥 Roger Hilario, 宝拉·德古兹曼 Paula De Guzman, 玛丽菲·多明戈 Marife Domingo - 《马布黑进行曲》,社区致敬和庆典活动中演奏的一首庆祝游行乐曲 。《带我回家,乡村小路》。《马布海·卡》,一首欢迎曲,用于迎接对人们生活产生重大影响的贵 宾、社区领袖及嘉宾,祝愿他们长寿。Mabuhay March - A celebratory marching band song played during community tributes and festivities. Take Me Home Country Roads. Mabuhay Ka - A welcome song played to greet dignitaries, community leaders, and VIPs who have made significant impact on people’s lives, wishing them long life.

柬埔寨裔美国女孩赋予权力 Cambodian American Girls Empowering - 《罗巴姆·庞·尼瑞》,一支现代柬埔寨古典舞蹈,可以翻译为“美之舞”。它展现了一群美丽的天使在天堂中翩翩起舞, 体现了高棉女性温柔的天性和她们展现的美丽。Robam Poung Neary – a contemporary Cambodian Classical Dance. This dance can be translated to “The Dance of Beauties.” The dance depicts a gathering of beautiful angels dancing in the heavens. It depicts the gentle nature of Khmer women and the beauty they display.

美国费城华人妇女联合会 Philadelphia Chinese Women’s Association - 舞蹈: 《江南情》,《冬恋》。Dances: Jiangnan Love and Winter Love.

对明天的希望 Hope for Tomorrow (H4T) - 他们将表演 RIIZE 的《拿把吉他》、BabyMonster 的《嘘》以及 aespa 的《超新星》。They will be performing Get A Guitar by RIIZE, Sheesh by BabyMonster, and Supernova by aespa.

2点 - 3点30分 | 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

中華公所 Chinese Benevolent Association - 表演者:陳姿總顧問与麥鵬董事長夫人麥素珠女士合演。Performed by CBA General Counsel Mabel Chen and Mai Suzhu, wife of CBA Chairman Mai Peng. 演出的是中華公所代表演出粵剧折子戏《鳯閣恩仇未了情》Excerpt from the Cantonese opera Unfinished lovein the Phoenix Pavilion.

民艺特许学校越南古琴合奏 FACTS Đàn Tranh Ensemble - 乐团将表演四首歌曲:《在城楼上》,《中秋节》,《最佳骗子》,《满月集市之歌》。The ensemble will perform 4 songs: Khổng Minh toạ lầu (On Top of the Citadel), Tết Trung thu (Mid-Autumn Festival), Chú Cuội (The Greatest Liar), Hát Hội Trăng Rằm (Song of the Full Moon Fair).

南费城开心舞蹈团 South Philadelphia Happy Dance Group - 表演者 Performers: Shu Xiang, Yue Mei, Yu Ying, Mei Fang, Xiao Wei. 南费城开心舞蹈团表演《枣儿红了》与《送你一朵东方茉莉》。表演者:仕香,月梅, 玉英,梅芳,小薇 Dance Performances: The Dates Are Red and I Will Give You an Oriental Jasmine.

尼古拉斯·欧鲁克,不分区市议员 City Councilmember-At-Large Nicolas O’Rourke, 鲁·兰道,不分区市议员 City Councilmember-At-Large Rue Landau - 演讲 市议会表彰 Speech and City Council Citation.

莫德罗舞蹈团 Modero & Company - 莫德罗舞蹈团将表演来自世界上最大群岛国家印度尼西亚的舞蹈串烧。他们将身着华丽的服饰带来一场精妙的表演,请欣赏! Modero will be performing a medley of dances from Indonesia, the biggest island country in the world. Enjoy intricate moves complete with ornate costumes.

3点30分 - 5点30分 | 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

司仪 Emcees: 陳綽緯 Richard Chan, 陈秋子 Sonya Chen, 金梓博 Alex Jin, 黃樂生 Melody Wong

京大鼓 KyoDaiko - 表演者 performers: Norah Gilbert, Christina King Smith, John Kolios, Tamiko Laincz, Cathi Tillman. 特邀表演嘉宾 Special guest performer: Mirai Yasuyama. 京大鼓将展示精选的太鼓乐曲,日本传统歌曲和现代乐曲,供您欣赏。A selection of taiko pieces, including traditional Japanese songs and modern compositions will be presented for your enjoyment.

協勝公會 Hip Sing Association - 演出者:刘荣任書記与陳姿元老合演 performed by HSA Secretary Liu Rongren, co-starring HSA veteran Mabel Chen. 協勝公會代表演出的是黃梅調《戏鳯》Hip Sing Association will perform the Huangmei Diao opera, Flirtation

我们表演团(我们中心) Woori Madang Pungmul Team (Woori Center) - 表演者 Performers: Youngshik Choi, Hyunsuk Han, James Holiday, Jina Jeong, Jenny Jung, Geunyong Lee, Jaewon Lee, Joon S. Lee, Mel Lee, Sharon Moon, Jaewook Shim, Johan Shim. 《风的流动》是一种传统的韩国舞蹈表演,结合了 萨满仪式和艺术表达的元素。Pungryu-gut, a traditional Korean ritual performance that combines elements of shamanistic ritual and artistic expression.

弧玫瑰 Arc Rose - 表演者 Performers: Chamara, Raini, Areyanah, Jade, LG, Z, Nae & Roxie. 我们将表演一个名为《世代: Kpop串烧》的演出, 包含多位艺人的歌曲,包括:Miss A, SHINee, BLACKPINK, BoyNextDoor, SNSD. We are doing a medley performance called Generation: Kpop Medley. The songs are by several artists, including: Miss A, SHINee, BLACKPINK, BoyNextDoor, and SNSD.

费城京剧社 Philadelphia Chinese Opera Society - 表演者:徐娟,胡海俊;指导老师:李淑媛,费城京剧社。Performer: Juan Xu, Haijun Hu; Artistic Director Shuyuan Li; PCOS. 京剧《霸王别姬》选段:此剧源出战国时代楚汉相争的故事。西楚霸王项羽被困垓下,项羽知大势已去,抚骓长叹;虞姬拔剑作舞。时汉军攻急,虞姬恐误其行,持剑自刎,以绝项羽恋念。项羽遂领兵出阵,战败,自刎乌江。楚终为汉所灭。京剧《穆桂英挂帅-捧印》选段:《穆桂英挂帅-捧印》一折,讲述的是藩王作乱,宋王下旨比武选帅,年过半百的穆桂英在其太婆母佘太君的说服下,以民族大义为重,决定挂帅出征的故事。Peking Opera excerpt from Farewell, My Concubine; It’s a heart wrenching story of love and self-sacrifice in the Warring States period in ancient China. Lady Yu plays the sword to try to cheer up King Xiang Yu. When the enemy attacks again, Xiang bids farewell to Yu Ji who refuses to leave with him. Yu dances the sword dance before putting the sword to her own throat. Peking Opera excerpt from Mu Guiying Takes Command-Accepting the Seal. Mu Guiying is a famous female general and the granddaughter-in-law of the prominent Generals of the Yang family in the Northern Song Dynasty (AD 960– 1127). When Western Xia invades, the emperor orders a martial arts competition to select a Chief Commander. Mu Guiying, who is now retired and in her fifties, refuses to accept the seal at first. But later persuaded by the Dowager She, she decides to accept the post to defend the country.

大费城开心舞蹈团 Greater Philadelphia Happy Dance Group -《如水年华》- 中四步,《爱情回忆故事》Time Flows Like Water - middle four steps, Love Memories Story

随意第五 Casual Fifth - 演出者 performers: Akira Di Sandro, Alex Pfister, Scout Hayashi, Yidan Zeng. 我们将演出四首歌曲(其中三首是原创作品或编曲): 两岸 Shishimai, Urban Legend和 Backbeat for the Hot Goss. We will be performing four songs (three of which are original compositions or arrangements): Two Shores, Shishimai, Urban Legend, and Backbeat for the Hot Goss.

5点30分 - 7点 | 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

费城京剧社 Philadelphia Chinese Opera Society - 表演者:李骏青饰孙悟空;指导老师:李淑媛;费城京剧社 Performer: Junqing Li as Monkey King; Artistic Director: Shuyuan Li; PCOS. 京剧《闹天宫》选段:孙悟空大闹天宫,斗哪吒耍罗猴, 偷吃仙桃、饮喝琼浆玉液,捣毁王母娘娘的蟠桃盛会。Episode from The Monkey King. In this episode, the Monkey King causes havoc in Heaven, fighting the celestial army. He crashes the Peach Party, making all sorts of mischiefs, getting drunk, and taking all the goodies back to his Flower and Fruit Mountain where he is the true King.

民藝特許學校合唱團 FACTS Choir -《月亮代表我的心》,编曲:陈一心《我们决不动摇》,编曲:亚当·波德和马特·波德 The Moon Represents My Heart, arranged by Chen Yixin; and We Shall Not Be Moved, arranged by Adam and Matt Podd.

吃月餅比賽 Mooncake Eating Contest - 由特邀嘉宾金海伦主持 Hosted by Special Guest Helen Gym.

七点时请在十街与樱桃街(Cherry St)集合来参加由费城太阳队带领的灯笼游行! Join the lantern parade, led by the Philadelphia Suns and parade through Chinatown, starting at 10th and Cherry Streets at 7:00 pm!

Community Stage

2點10分 - 5點 | 2:10 pm - 5:00 pm

“问”舞团 Question Dance Crew - 演出者:创始人兼领队 Vick, 副领队 Selena, 经理 Diamyn 和 Kalli,以及 QDC 成员 Amani, Bee, Ciera, Daysia, Jeanny, Rell, Sofia 和 Sol, 嘉宾 Bambi 和 Mya. Performers include: Founder & Leader Vick, Co-Leader Selena, Manager Diamyn, and Manager Kalli, QDC Members Amani, Bee, Ciera, Daysia, Jeanny, Rell, Sofia, and Sol, with guests Bambi and Mya. 我们将通过新歌和老歌的组合来跳出我们的才华, 其中包括 2NE1, Everglow, BTS, iKON, ILLIT, LISA 的歌曲。A playlist of newer and older songs that we love and wanted to showcase our talents with including songs by 2NE1, Everglow, BTS, iKON, ILLIT, and LISA.

DKPC 棱镜 DKPC Prism - 演出者包括 performers: Mimi, Cristina, Bryan, Micah, Duyen, Dana, Eva, Emani, Niyati. 我们将演出一组 K-pop 歌曲混合曲,包括 Aespa, Better things, Drama, New Jeans, Bubble Gum, Katseye, Debut, Stray Kids, Awkward Silence. We will be performing a medley of kpop songs including Better things by Aespa, Drama by Aespa, Bubble Gum by New jeans, Debut by Katseye, Awkward Silence by Stray Kids.

明天的希望 Hope for Tomorrow (H4T) - 在下午3-5点加入H4T,参与我们融入了Kpop的互动舞蹈活动! Join H4T from 3:00pm - 5:00pm for an interactive dance game featuring K-pop songs!

Asian Americans United is hosting our annual Mid-Autumn Festival on Saturday, September 21st!

Bring your friends and family, and be part of the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival! Experience a day filled with cultural richness and joy. Enjoy lively performances, captivating lion dances, an exciting mooncake eating contest, pay-as-you-play Carnival games, free art activities and culminate the festivities with a lantern parade through Chinatown.

Please visit Asian Americans United’s Facebook page for the most up-to-date festival related details and announcements!

Highlights of the Mid-Autumn Festival

Now in its 29th year, the Mid-Autumn Festival attracts thousands of individuals and families to Philadelphia's Chinatown to reconnect and give thanks under the Harvest Moon. The event is a culmination of the efforts of hundreds: youth volunteers running activities, restaurants donating food, artists performing, and businesses large and small supporting the cause.

The Festival is a family-friendly event centering the Asian community—one of Philadelphia's fastest-growing demographic. Activities include lion dances, martial arts displays, Chinese opera, carnival games, arts & crafts, and the mooncake eating contest.

This year's Festival is significant: Chinatown in Philadelphia was designated in 2023 as one of the Most Endangered Historic Places. The displacement and disruption that threaten historic neighborhoods across the U.S. are threatening our very own Chinatown's existence. But, united in collective action, we can protect our cultural heritage and invest in future generations.

Mid-Autumn Festival History

In ancient China, the moon was seen as a source of life because plants were seen glowing under the moonlight, and as such the moon became connected in many facets of Chinese culture. This led to familial traditions such as moon-gazing and having feasts in response to the end of the harvest season. According to legend, Emperor Xuanzong explored the Moon-Palace, and afterwards started to host formal celebrations. After some time, the Mid-Autumn Festival became associated with other traditions and objects such as lanterns and mooncakes. The holiday has become very popular throughout Asia and is a favorite tradition for many.

AAU’s Mid-Autumn Festival started as a way for homesick Chinese Americans in Philadelphia to partake in celebrating a holiday when they could not travel back to China. It is important that the tradition continues so that Asian Americans can place some priority into cultural traditions that are at risk of fading away. This homegrown festival was initiated in 1996 by AAU middle school students and is a large annual event in Chinatown, actively involving more than 300 high school volunteers and reaching 7,500 festival-goers who gather under the full moon to celebrate. Closing down 10th Street, community members reclaim old traditions and establish new ones in an expression of community pride and collective responsibility. Youth give a day of service, restaurants donate food, artists offer their talents, businesses and organizations chip in money – hundreds of people work together to make the festival our own. The core leadership of this festival is young adults and youth who have come up through the festival and grown into positions of increased responsibility. This core of young people and young adults meet for months leading up to the festival day and are coordinators or co-coordinators of all aspects of the festival (stage, volunteer coordination, carnival, fundraising, arts activities, media, etc).

Founding Goals of the Mid-Autumn Festival:

  • To promote Chinatown community unity through cultural reclamation

  • To promote pride in culture and community

  • To engage various sectors of the community in support for a community-wide celebration

  • To promote intergenerational cooperation

In 2023, Philly’s Chinatown was declared one of the most endangered historic places in our nation. You can help combat this by becoming a Mid-Autumn Festival sponsor. With the help of our sponsors, AAU can more readily help strengthen Chinatown’s community, culture and pride with a lively and exciting Mid-Autumn Festival.

Want to support the Mid-Autumn Festival?