Kieng Lim

“We didn't leave Chinatown, because it is something that we are familiar with. A lot of our customers are worried that since we are getting older and closer to retirement age, they're worried we would close shop, but we tell them that we will not. We will continue to be here for our customers.


Photograph by Rodney Atienza

Read Kieng’s Full Interview Below!

Conducted By: Celine To

Celine: 我想知道你在柬埔寨的童年是怎么样的

I would like to know how your childhood was like in Cambodia?

Kieng: 我是从中国出生的 13岁去柬埔寨 柬埔寨红色高棉十年和平十年战争20号逃来泰国就是难民营 在泰国一年4个月美国政府就送我来了。我已经在美国40多年了,所以我是住了三个国家 中国柬埔寨和美国 美国住的最久。I was born in China. I moved to Cambodia at 13 years old. After ten years of peace and ten years of war with the Khmer Rouge, I fled to Thailand on the 20th and went to a refugee camp. I stayed in Thailand for one year and four months, and the US government sent me there. I have been in the United States for more than 40 years, so I have lived in three countries, China, Cambodia and the United States. I have lived in the United States the longest.

Celine: 在柬埔寨的生活是什么样的?

What was it like to live in Cambodia?

Kieng: 生活很苦,在柬埔寨读书读了几年然后战争就开始了

Life was hard. I went to school for several years in Cambodia and the war started. 

Celine: 为什么你去泰国

Why did you go to Thailand?

Kieng: 难民。1979年越南就占领了柬埔寨,我们那些人就跑出来 每个人在越南都想跑出去 1980年就去了泰国 首先去了越南带着一个孩子3岁小孩 第二小孩在越南出生5个月后我们逃离了越南去了泰国。

Refugee. In 1979, Vietnam occupied Cambodia. We fled, everyone in Vietnam also wanted to flee. In 1980, I fled to Thailand: first, I carried a 3 year old to Vietnam. 5 months after my second child was born, we fled from Vietnam to Thailand. 

Celine: 你什么时候从纽约到费城的

When did you come to Philadelphia from New York? 

Kieng: 1985来到费城的

I came to Philadelphia in 1985. 

Celine: 长寿堂开业时间 ?

When was the opening day of Long Life Chinese Herb?

Kieng: 1997, March 22.

Celine: 为什么你先开一个外卖餐馆然后再开长寿堂

Why did you open a take out restaurant first, then opened Long Life? 

Kieng: 刚来美国 没有钱然后用外卖餐馆的钱 来开长寿堂

When I first came to the U.S., I didn't have money. So, I used the money made from the restaurant to open Long Life. 

Celine: 唐人街对你们的意义是什么?

What does Chinatown mean to you? 

Kieng: 家族都是做中药的有一定的基础,我们想能不能做自己本分的东西 做中药只能到唐人街才可以符合,如果你做在其他社区没有人会想要去

My family has a certain foundation in doing traditional Chinese medicine. We want to be able to do our own thing. Doing traditional Chinese medicine can only be done in Chinatown. If you do it in other communities, no one will want to go there.

Celine: 你们对唐人街在纽约和在費城有什么不同的关系?

What is different in your relationship to Chinatown in New York than in China?

Kieng: 在费城唐人街住的久 在纽约没有住唐人街。所以我们在唐人街只有去买东西才去。但是我知道纽约的唐人街很复杂尤其是在我们那个年代,我来到费城唐人街就觉得有特点比较安静比较祥和所以我们做中药来到唐人街就很有意义它也是属于中华文化这一类的所以我们觉得在唐人街做我们这个中药这类的比较适合。现在唐人街只有我们店是开中医

I have lived in Chinatown in Philadelphia for a long time. I have not lived in Chinatown in New York. So we only went shopping in Chinatown. But I know that New York’s Chinatown is very complicated, especially in our time. When I came to Philadelphia’s Chinatown, I felt that it was quieter and more peaceful. So it made sense for us to do Chinese medicine and come to Chinatown. It also relates to Chinese culture, so we thought it would be more suitable to do our traditional Chinese medicine shop in Chinatown. Now our store is the only one in Chinatown that offers traditional Chinese medicine.

Celine: 和其他唐人街商户的关系是怎么样的

What is your relationship like with other Chinatown merchants?

Kieng: 应该很好 我相信在唐人街做生意的人大部分的人都不住在唐人街,就少部分打工的人 以前的都是住在周围 

It should be very good. I believe that most of the people who do business in Chinatown do not live in Chinatown. There are only a small number of migrant workers who used to live in the surrounding areas.

Celine: 在唐人街美好的记忆是什么?

What are your best memories in Chinatown?

Kieng: 大家很亲切好像和邻居一样 大家都会互相的照顾 比如说有什么事情都会互相通知不会孤立其他人

Everyone is very friendly and like neighbors. Everyone will take care of each other. For example, if anything happens, they will inform each other and will not isolate others.

Celine: 在过去的10-20年里有没有看到任何改变 ?Have you seen any changes in the past 10-20 years?

Kieng: 刚到唐人街的时候没有多少车 没有多少人。我们是离不开唐人街的很熟悉。很多人也是喜欢我们的店他们也是希望我们继续做下去我们的很多客人都和我们讲我们的年龄是退休的年龄了担心我们会不会不做了我们告诉他们不会 我们回继续在这里那些中国打工人有病去找家庭医生找家庭医生预约时间可能到了病就好了所以我们在这里很重要。

When I first arrived in Chinatown, there were not many cars or people. We are inseparable from Chinatown and are very familiar with it. Many people also like our store and they want us to continue to do it. Many of our customers told us that we are retired and worried that we will not do it. We told them that we will not go back to continue here. Those Chinese If a migrant worker is sick, go to the family doctor and make an appointment with the family doctor, the disease may be cured by the time the appointment is made, so it is very important for us here.